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Making, mending, and split-pin puppets


Don’t stop the Afrocats now, they’re having such a good time - on our Youth of the World programme!

Week three has rolled around super quickly, and Saturday’s session brought the opportunity for our under-11s to make their own split pin frog puppets with professional animator Toby.

Split pin puppets are fantastic for fine-tuning young people’s motor skills, puppet-making, and crafting their own story-telling and narrative skills.

They’re also excellent for developing spoken skills, listening abilities, experimenting with language and vocabulary, and getting into character.

See a selection of their characters below – the Afrokittens sure made some ‘unfrogettable’ puppets.


Next door, arts practitioner Loren showed our 12-and-overs just how it’s done with some striking stitching and mending with denim strips from Loren’s very own wardrobe.

Placing colourful strips behind a tear in some denim and decorating with personalised designs and heaps of colourful yarn, Loren showed that you really can make a rip in your jeans look even better than it did before.

It’s also helpful to the environment as you can make your clothing last much longer – and you don’t even need a hefty sewing machine to do it!

Loren also kindly brought back in last week’s polymer clay jewellery freshly baked from the oven, and our young people couldn’t wait to get their hands on their handmade jewels and transform them into earrings and necklaces.

Young Miriam loved it so much she even proudly modelled her earrings for everyone to see.

“I love being creative and making things!” she says.

We love to see it, Miriam!

Everyone had fun making and stitching, and the progress that our young people make every week over the course of the programme is awe-inspiring for everyone on the team.

As always, we’re looking forward to what the next session will bring - see you next week!

Want to join Afrocats as we create meaningful change in society for isolated and vulnerable people from all over the world? Click here.

And you can also download our hot-off-the-press 2022 Impact Report here.


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