This spring, we are thrilled to announce that Class 9B at Altrincham Girls’ Grammar School have been busy bees raising some cash for their chosen charity - Afrocats!
Pupils hosted a fundraising event with an organised a hair-braiding station, laid out some amazing hand-crocheted hair accessories to contribute to the Afrocats’ cause, and project producer Estee also gave an informative talk about our vital work in the community.
And there was also the chance to get creative and colour in paper leaves to place on the budding Afrocats tree motif.
Class 9B also raised an amazing £295 from organising sponsored runs in their own time outside of school hours, where they pounded the pavement for twelve miles in honour of Afrocats founder Magdalen, whose story you can read here.
They also came a fantastic second place in their school final, which was an exciting conclusion to their work on the First Give programme, and a celebration of their work and efforts to support Afrocats' work.
Now that’s dedication!
Afrocats would like to express our gratitude to Class 9B - your hard work helps make a difference for the communities we serve, and we are proud to have partnered with you to ensure a better life for asylum seekers and refugees across the city.
See below for more fundraising goings on!
To see how your school could make a difference for marginalised communities alongside Afrocats, find out more by clicking here.